In 1994 the emotions of a special encounter. An encounter that has marked Marco Mancini’s life forever. His
passion for the goldsmith’s art and his faith in god brought him to create a couple of sacred crowns to
celebrate the centenary of ‘’ the Madonna of Victory’’ of Montalto di Castro. His holiness the pope also took
part in the celebrations. His holiness approved the crowning, by blessing the two crowns. The passion and
technique with which the master, then only a simple goldsmith, carried-out this work surprised pope john
Paul who on grasping Marco’s hands gave his blessing and with a smile pronounced these words:
‘’you have a great gift in your hands, but it is your heart, guided by the Lord, that makes your creation so
special; never forget this and you will achieve great things in your lifetime.’’
Not long after this encounter, they are to meet again……………..